MASS ANNOUNCEMENTS WEEKEND OF 1/4—1/5 In observance of the birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr., the Parish Office will be closed on Monday, January 20th.
The second collection this weekend is for Facility Maintenance. Thank you in advance for your generosity.
The 2025 calendar has arrived in English, Spanish, and Polish. Please pick up your copy at the back of Church.
As the Diocese of Joliet launches the 2025 Catholic Ministries Annual Appeal, we are humbly asking all parishioners to pledge their support for this important effort. This year’s them is Open Your Heart to God’s Goodness. Through our support, we ensure that the mission and ministries of Christ’s Church are available to everyone. Please review the materials you receive in the mail this month and prayerfully reflect on your gift to this year’s annual appeal.
Save the date for our Catholic Schools Week open house to be held on Sunday, January 26th from 9 to 1. Stop in and see what we’re all about!
Please pray for the soul of Janice Cabrera who passed away recently, and for Rocco Tudisco whose funeral was held this past week.
Remember to silence all electronics before Mass begins.